Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Roach the Size of an Iphone

I am trying to become quite adventurous during my weekends here in New York.  Usually after a full week of work I just want to sleep, read and sit in front of my AC but I am forcing myself to get out.  There is so much to do in this city and slowly but surely I am discovering new things. 

I finally visited a stable in New York City – Magnolia Bakery.  During shopping and brunch with my friend Katherine, she discovered that I have never had a Magnolia cupcake.  She took it upon herself to make sure I would cross this one off my list.  Everyone knows that I have a major sweet tooth so it is a good thing I do not have one of these bakeries by my apartment…. It would be nothing but trouble. 

After showering three times (New York summers are ridiculous) I ventured to a new part of town.  Since moving here I have reconnected with Miss Nevada 2009, Christina.  We have caught up over drinks and dinner dates in midtown after work a few times, but this time I wanted to see where she lived.  But of course what should have been a simple train ride turned into a disaster. 

Christina gave me step by step details on how to get to Woodlawn.  Go to Grand Central – Buy a ticket for Metro North – Get off at the Woodlawn stop - She would meet me there.  Sounds easy, right?  I successfully get on the right train, start reading my Monica Lewinsky book (no judgment) and I am feeling good.  As the train starts to move the conductor takes my ticket as some inaudible announcements are made.  I pay attention at each stop until Woodlawn is up next.  I close my book and prepare to get off the train.  As the train comes to stop I walk up to the door and it doesn’t open.  I start looking around and all of a sudden the train starts moving again, and I look out the window only to see my friend Christina looking around on the platform for me.  I panic.  I call her and she says: “Didn’t the conductor tell you, you had to be in the first 4 cars for that stop?!”  Negative. 
At this point I start walking through the car and get to the door that connects to go into the next car.  It won’t open.  I look at a guy standing by a door and say “Can I get out on the next stop off this train?”  He says yes.  Well that man lied, because once again at the next stop the doors do not open.  Now I am getting farther and farther away from where my friend lives.  I try opening the door to the next car again and finally some woman helps me.  I run to the next train, still on the phone with my friend, and find a group of girls about my age.  I yell, “HOW DO I GET OFF THIS TRAIN?!”  I know they were holding back their laughter because one girl rudely answered with, “by walking out the door…”  Thanks genius.  Christina at this point is just telling me to get off at any stop and we can figure it out.  Finally I get to a stop where the doors open, and tell Christina that I am at the Mount Vernon stop.  She responds: “Oh God, I will be right there…. I don’t want to freak you out but that is not that great of a neighborhood.”  Thank goodness she had a car.  So while I wait for her, I stand on the platform in heels and a dress with my keys in-between my knuckles, ready to fight.  As soon as she pulls up I do a superhero dive into her car and we drive off. 

This train experience prepared me for my 4th of July adventure.  My family and I have a tradition every year with the same two families on this holiday.  We pack our cars up and have snacks, chocolate fondue, play cards, throw the football and watch the fireworks.  I was really sad that I was not able to attend this year.  So I reached out to my relatives who live in Long Island to see if I could join them for the day.  It was only an hour and 20 minute train ride and I was greeted with a welcoming committee of my Aunt, Uncle, Cousins and her two daughters.  I have not seen my cousin for 11 years, and my Aunt and Uncle for almost 7 years.  I had so much fun catching up with them!  My mother had called my Aunt before I came and told her that I had a very strange diet…. Aka I am a vegetarian.  My sweet Aunt and Uncle went to whole foods and searched for a vegetarian in the store to help them shop for me.   I was so grateful for them to go out of their way. 

Since it had been 11 years since I had seen my cousin, Nicole it was the first time meeting her adorable children.  I had so much fun playing with them all day.  Who knew that doing handstands in the pool for 2 hours could be so entertaining?  I was like a rock star when I held my handstand for 47 seconds… it was pretty impressive in their eyes.  When it was dinner time the kids were fascinated by what “tofu” was.  They even had the courage to try it!  While we were in the car driving back to the train station, Anna told her mom that for dinner tomorrow she wanted to have tofu, and a salad (the exact meal I had), I loved it.  Now that I know how easy it is to get to Long Island, I cannot wait to visit again.  I promised the kids I would come back, build a fort and have a sleepover. 
This past weekend I went to my first Broadway show since moving to New York.  I was spoiled because our seats were in the 4th row for the show, “Nice Work If You Can Get It” staring Matthew Broderick, yup Inspector Gadget.  I will say that I had a moment of inspiration while Kelli O’Hara sang “Someone to Watch Over Me” that brought me to near tears.  Then of course after the show we got to go backstage.  Where I stood on my very first Broadway stage, and was just inches away from Mr. Broderick.  I could not stop humming the Inspector Gadget theme song. 

The weekend started on such a high but then took a turn for the worst.  While I was cooking dinner this past Saturday, I saw something move on the floor out of the corner of my eye.  It was the largest cock roach I have ever seen in my life.  I swear to you it was the size of an iphone.  My first reaction was to scream bloody murder, and that scared it to run under the fridge.  I ran to the living room and texted my roommate, while I continued to scream.  I had no choice but to fight this battle on my own.  I looked around our apartment to find the best weapon.  I debated on using the plastic golf clubs but decided on the broom.  Of course my first cock roach is a ninja roach because it was hiding behind our garbage until it started to climb the wall.  While screaming the entire time the roach escaped to our living room – it was heading to my roommates room.  I knew I could not let it enter her room because then I would never find it.  So while I kept screaming I finally killed it after hitting it… 20+ times.  Did I mention that I was standing on a chair during this entire thing?  After the roach went down, my roommate called and I could barely breathe.  I was near tears and traumatized.  She then walked me through the cleaning process, and we decided to throw away the broom as well.  Call me over dramatic but I stayed at our friends place in Brooklyn because I couldn’t sleep in the roach apartment. 
I bought a new broom and I am now walking around our apartment as if the floor is hot lava.  I never want to see a roach ever again. 

I ended the weekend by catching up with a good friend from college, Tess.  It was the perfect Sunday:  brunch, and walking around by the water.  Brooklyn really is beautiful. 

I also have to share a movie moment I had on the Subway.  As I have mentioned before, Disney has ruined me and I am a hopeless romantic.  While commuting to work one day, my train was held momentarily at Grand Central.  As I looked across the platform at the 4-train, I made eye contact with an attractive male.  Knowing the eye contact game quite well, I looked away for a moment and looked up again to find him still looking in my direction.  Just to assure that I was not going crazy I looked at the two people on either side of me…. old men.  I looked back and smiled before the doors closed and our trains started to move.  I kid you not, this attractive male started to move throughout his train so he could keep eye contact with me, like a scene from out of the movies.  The topic of conversation at work that day:  Should Brooke post a missed connection online about this encounter?  Never did… but who knows maybe Subway guy and I will meet again.  Disney taught me that we will. 


Monday, June 25, 2012

You Can't Find a Cab in NYC?

Where do I begin?  The last few weeks have kept me busy with running 5k's, installing my Air Conditioner and watching my dear friend win Miss Minnesota.

I mentioned before that my roommate and I are doing a charity walk every month.  In May we took part in the Aids Walk in Central Park, and in June we did the Autism Awareness Walk.  It was at South Street Seaport, which is beautiful!  We are taking suggestions for our July and August walk - send me ideas!

I have my routine down with my new job.  I have become a professional Subway rider in the morning.  I not only know one route to get me to work, but a few back ups just in case a train is running late.  When I first started working here, I was told about a 5k run that was coming up.  It was called the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, and it was only a few weeks away.  At first I did the polite thing and said, "of course I will run" but not making an official commitment.  Fast forward to 2 days before the race, and I am handed a T-Shirt and number....  The truth is I was so happy that I did it.  I was able to finish the entire run, without walking, and it was a great way for me to get to know my other co-workers.  One funny bit from the race:  I didn't eat anything before I ran because I didn't want to get sick.  As soon as I crossed the finish line I was famished!  Thankfully they were handing out banana's, so I grabbed one and started to un-peel when a sweaty arm rubbed right onto my banana.  I was no longer hungry.

I am experiencing my first summer in New York City, and it is hot!  I bought an Air Conditioner online because I thought it would be easier if it was delivered to my apartment.  Well that is the problem with having a full time job... I am never home to receive packages.  Therefore I had to travel to a UPS store miles away from my apartment to pick it up.  The description said 44 lbs which I think I overestimated my strength  because I could barely get the box out the door.  I then tried to hail a cab for the next 20 minutes but not one would stop for me.  Near tears, I called my mom to google a cab company so I could call and request one.  Her respond was what I expected, "You are in New York City... and you want me to call you a cab...?"  After I tried calling for a cab for the next 10 minutes, I just sucked it up and decided to walk to a different corner.  It was ironic that I had to walk past a gym where all these men with muscle shirts were walking past me but none of them thought to offer me a hand.  At my next corner, I was so desperate for a cab that I jumped in the first black town car that offered me a ride.  Halfway through my ride I realized I had no cash on me... and they do not take credit cards.  I was on a roll that day.

I was not about to leave my AC in this car while I ran to the ATM, especially since the driver kept asking me about my AC and telling me what a deal I got for it.  So I had to carry my AC again just to take out $20 for this driver, and then lug it back into the car.  The driver then proceeded to lecture for the rest of the drive home about how I need to trust people more in New York.  (thanks, but no thanks.)

I also went home last weekend for the Miss Minnesota Pageant.  It was so nice to be back in Minnesota and spend time with my close friends and family.  I spent Saturday morning shopping with my mom looking for accessories for my dress for the pageant, when I ran into Miss Minnesota 2008 Angie at DSW!  She joined me with Quinn, Kaylah, and Emily for a our second annual pre-pageant get together.

I want to send out a HUGE congratulations to Siri Freeh our new Miss Minnesota 2012.  I met Siri 2 years ago when she competed the year I was giving up my title.  The following year we ran into one another on campus at the University of Minnesota and then made "coffee catches up" a regular thing.  She has become one of my closest friends and I am so excited for the year ahead of her.  I am already planning my Miss America trip for Vegas!

Other then work I stay busy with working out, and creating new recipes.  I recently watched a documentary that gave me the push to cut out fish from my diet and become a true vegetarian.  A couple other girls at my work are vegetarians so I love getting ideas for new recipes I can try.  I am breaking in slowly because they have realized that if the recipe goes over 4 ingredients... I cannot commit.

I spent this last weekend enjoying the New York weather.  On Saturday I walked around central park with a good friend and then went biking with a co-worker on Sunday.  It is nice to escape the city life once and while.


Monday, May 28, 2012

I Got Mugged in New York City

This blog should be about my exciting first week of work, and while I will share a few tidbits, unfortunately another incident has over shadowed .

This past Saturday at around 7pm, I was walking to meet a friend for dinner.  It was a gorgeous day in New York, so the streets and patios were filled with people.  Before this moment, I had never felt not safe walking in New York City, but it is crazy how that can change in just a moment.

I was on the phone with my mom and just a few blocks away from my apartment when I was mugged.  They came up from behind me and ripped the phone from my ear and took off with my things.  I screamed and turned around to see two men running away, so I started to run after them.  At first the people around me stood there shocked by what actually happened, before three guys ran after the men who had just mugged me.  The chase lasted about four blocks, and while I was about to turn the corner I feared that my things were gone.  I was thinking how I was going to get home, how I was about to stand up my friend for dinner, and what to do next.  When I turned the corner, sobbing, I saw four guys walking towards me in a straight line like The Avengers and they had my things. 

Moments like that make you realize how scary and incredible New York City is.  These three strangers chased two men to help me, another stranger.  And then a door man at a bar saw the chase coming towards him and was able to stop the guys.  All I could do was cry and hug every single one of them.  Until one of them handed me my phone and said you need to talk to your mother.  My poor mother was on the phone during this entire thing.  She heard me scream, the yelling, and I am sure feared the worst.  

I am okay, just spooked.  Thankfully I was not injured and I got all my things back.  I know the chances of those four men reading this blog are slim to none, but I still want them to know how grateful I am.

I think what shocks everyone about this story is that it happened at seven at night, on a popular street, with hundreds of people around.  Why these two men picked me, I do not know. 

As for work: I love my new job.  Although I looked like such a rookie on my first day.  Yup, the night before I started work while watching “Keeping Up with the Karadashians” I made my lunch.  Much to my surprise in the grown up world of work, they give you money for lunch!  Since I didn’t want that money to go to waste on my first day, I debated what I could buy.  For a solid 25 minutes I looked at cupcakes online but decided with hummus, salsa and pita bread for my fridge. 

My grocery bill will be cut in half, actually more then half.  I can eat my breakfast, lunch and snacks at work. Which means all I need to shop for is dinner.  I also can continue a #leanbody plan because there is NOTHING unhealthy at this place.  (Trust me I have checked every single cabinet.)  Plus in my informational packet it specifically says:  Do not order anything unhealthy for the pantry.


Friday, May 18, 2012

My Reset Ring

I am only a few days out until I start my new job.  I am full of mixed emotions: excited, anxious, nervous, relieved, stressed... the list goes on.  But I have enjoyed the last two weeks of freedom before I become a workaholic.  I spent a weekend in Boston with my best friend Inge where I ended up at an Obama Re-election party.  I was that kid who had a kick-me sign on the back of their jacket.... except replace the kick-me with Obama stickers.  I spent a night in Columbus Circle overlooking the view of New York City and watching the Rangers score in the last 6 seconds of the game.  And lastly I spent over a week in Minnesota. 

Even though I had only been away for a month and it was a huge relief being back in my home with my family, cat, dog and own bed.  I spent most of my time home at the Mall of America purchasing a new work wardrobe.  I am looking forward to giving my room mate a fashion show, and she will be pleased with my updated clothing.  I was also happy to be home for Mothers Day.  I wanted to get my mom something really special this year because she has been super mom while I have lived the gypsy lifestyle the last 8 months.  This past Christmas my mom bought me a bracelet from Same Sky.  Same Sky is a company that employs HIV-positive women in Rwanda, and 100% goes back into the company to support these women.  It is my favorite bracelet and now my mom has one too! 

I did something that will probably make most people laugh or roll their eyes.  But it is exactly what I needed to do.  While shopping I wanted to buy a new ring for work.  I tried on over 20 different rings, and even got one stuck on my finger.  Which led to me having a panic attack in the store and the sales woman calming me down and then ripping the ring off my finger.  Needless to say that ring was not the one.  I almost gave up on my new ring when I saw the perfect one.  It was simple, gold, and perfect.  So I purchased it and asked if the saleswomen would wrap it for me.  She gave me a look because she had just spent the last 20 minutes helping me finding a ring for myself and now I was giving it as a gift.  And I was... I gift to myself.  The last 8 months of my life have had no structure and even though I had amazing adventures - I was also coping.  This Monday when I start my new job, I am hitting the reset button.  I finally have the opportunity to start a new path, a new journey and a new life.  I get to choose what I want to remember and what will happen in the future.  So Monday morning after I am all ready to go to work, I will open my gift, put on my new ring and reset. 

I am about to get personal, because that's what blogs are for right?  When my 5-year long relationship ended in September I was terrified I would never find someone again.  The thought of dating was so unappealing to me, and the last time I flirted I was 17 years old.  Times had definitely changed.  But then I met someone and I allowed myself to open again.  I was reminded how much fun it is to get to know someone.  Even though our relationship did not work out, I would not have changed a thing.  Because he allowed me to realize that I will date again, and I will fall in love again.  But there is no need to rush this process.  I am in a brand new city, about to start a brand new job, and I am just going to relish in this moment. 

Although I will still continue to live my life as a hopeless romantic.  I cannot change the fact that I hope one day when I step off the curb too soon... a guy saves me from a speeding cab, then we go for coffee.  Or I drop my sunglasses on the subway and a guy runs after me, then we go for coffee.  Or I get into a cab at the same time as a guy, and then we go for coffee.  Everything is always better with coffee.

Now that I have a job I can finally buy furniture for my room... it definitely needs it.  I also want to say how proud I am of my younger brother Sean for being announced as top 14 at St. Thomas Academy.  Fingers crossed he will also be top 5 (sounds like a pageant, doesn't it?) 


Friday, May 4, 2012

I have a British Recruiter

Only two weeks left of being a domestic housewife in New York City.  My mother would be so proud to know that I can change my own light bulb and that I am the bug killer of the apartment.  This should come as a shock to most people because my usual reaction when I see a spider is to scream and run.  Well my best friend and room mate Ali reacts the exact same way I do.... I had to man up.

I have also learned some more New York lessons.  I am the type of person who smiles at you if I make eye contact with you... well turns out that freaks people out on the street.  So if I want to look like a tourist or a crazy person, then smiling at strangers is the best way to do it in New York.  Also, there are pigeons everywhere in the city.  I am still that person who timidly walks toward a flock of pigeons that are in my way on the sidewalk.  Then I jump, scream, or make a face when they come flying right at me.  After observing New Yorkers for a few weeks, I have learned the best thing to do is just walk right through them and they will move.  Also, when it rains in New York the sidewalks are like bumper cars.  Everyone is walking with an oversize umbrella and looking down, this means multiple collisions.

The most exciting thing that has happened recently is my new job!  Since moving here I have been on a couple interviews.  I was not looking for anything in particular but I knew what kind of environment I wanted to work in.  Before the weekend, I received my first job offer at a Legal Recruiting firm.  I still had a couple interviews the following week so thankfully they gave me the weekend to think it over.  Monday morning I went to my dream interview.  As soon as I walked into the office, I knew I wanted to work there.  Every person I interviewed with was someone I knew I would get a long with, and would enjoy working for.  I was there for over 2 hours, and the only moment I thought I lost the job was when the guy interviewing me found out I was a Yankees fan.  Thank goodness I was able to redeem myself by being a Giants and Notre Dame football fan.

As soon as my interview was over I called my British Recruiter.  Most companies in New York have you go through a recruiter first before you interview with the company.  What should have been a 30 minutes meeting turned into a 2 hour session with my British recruiter.  When he picked up the phone after my interview the first thing he said was "I thought they had kidnapped you!"  Believe me that sounds so excellent in an accent.  Within the hour I was offered the job as long as I was willing to wait to start until July.  That was not the ideal situation but this job was definitely worth the wait.  Once again, I was given some time to think about it.

The next 24 hours were pretty hectic.  As I was debating between the two job offers I was given, I received two more offers.  One was very appealing because it was at a consulting firm for non-profits, and I would start in 2 days.  So while I am calling my mother every 30 minutes to discuss my options, I am told I have one hour to decide on the consulting firm.  With 20 minutes to spare... my British Recruiter calls me to save the day.  My dream job that needed me to start in July... now wants me to start on May 21st.  Decision made.

I am excited to announce that I will be working for a hedge fund in midtown (if you do not know what a hedge fund is, don't worry I didn't either - go ahead and google it).  The office is beautiful and right on Park Avenue.  Plus it is a grown up job with a salary, benefits and a free gym membership.  I didn't realize how expensive gyms are here so I choose to walk everywhere so that is my form of exercise.  It will be nice to get back on an elliptical.

Since I do not start work until May 21st, I have some time to kill.  This weekend I will be heading to Boston to see one of my best friends.  Then next week I am going to take a trip back to Minnesota to see my family.  Plus I need to stock up on some work clothes and the tax on clothes in New York is much worse then Minnesota.

I am not sure where to go now that Bloomingdales is closed.... time to find a new go-to store!  Also, time to spoil my hermit crab a bit.  I am thinking a NY Giants shell, and maybe even a shell with some bling... he deserves it. 


Monday, April 23, 2012

Interview Queen

I have been a New Yorker for 3 weeks and I really think it is setting in. I now know when to cross the street without even looking at the walk signal. Two people in the past week have asked me for directions, and I steered them in the right way. I still choose to walk to most places rather then Subway, but I am much more comfortable on the Subway system.

Last week was Ali's birthday, which involved a week long celebration. On her actual birthday we were meeting up around her work, which was too far for me to walk. This was going to be my first "transfer" experience on the subway. With confidence I got on the L train, got off at the right stop, and onto the 1 train. Except once on the 1 train, I realize a problem. On most subways I have been on there is a computerized screen that shows what stop you are at, and the upcoming stops. Also there is either a person announcing the upcoming stops, or an actual subway map that you can reference. Except on the 1 train there was nothing. I suddenly realize that I have no idea how I am going to know when my stop is. Two police officers on the same train as me must have sensed my panic. They sit on either side of me, and ask if I need help.  Picture this: I exit the Subway with two HUGE police officers on either side of me. They walk me up the stairs to the street, and even a few blocks before we parts way. The faces people gave me as they walked by... they must of thought I was either someone really important who needed protection or I was about to get arrested.

Other parts of Ali's Birthday Celebration consisted of: bowling, glow-sticks, mini-cupcakes, and a Music Video Wrap Party for Jack's Mannequin. On this past Sunday we spent the entire day walking around the city, eating outside on a patio, and then spending the rest of the night sitting on our stoop: listening to music, talking about life and hanging out with "The General" (our hermit crab).

I am still in the process of looking for work. I have been asked a million times if I moved to New York to pursue Broadway and singing. Music is very important to me, and will always be a huge part of my life. For the past 5 years I have solely focused on performing, and it is all I know. What is best for me right now is to do something different. I need consistency. Unfortunately I feel like I got to a point where I was only singing because people told me I should, and it is something I am good at. I want to fall back in love with it.

With that being said, I have gone on a few interesting interviews. I was sent on one (with 2 hour notice) for a position with a hedge fund. I had my Dad give me a quick Fiances 101 on the phone while I was walking to the interview, and I also read an article about the current CEO of the company. The interview lasted for 3 hours!! First, I met with the office manager - passed round one. Next I had to take a test....an actual test with Math problems. Thank goodness I brushed up my excel skills before I went because I had to do everything without a calculator and on the computer spreadsheet - passed round two. Then I interviewed with another member of the company, which consisted of explaining the entire Miss Minnesota experience. Much to my surprise the CEO then walks into the room, I recognized him from the article I read. He introduces himself, and I decide to tell him about the article I read, major brownie points. We spent the next 20 minutes talking about the music scene in New York, and he even gave me the names to a few piano bars I should go to for fun - passed round three. Round Four was a terrifying woman from Human Resources who spent an hour grilling me on any question that popped in her head, it felt like a regular Miss America mock interview.

I am also currently interviewing with a legal recruiting firm here in the city. This was one of my favorite interviews since one of the main recruiters went to Notre Dame for undergrad. We spent a solid 10 minutes discussing Notre Dame football and Brian Kelly's coaching habits. What I have come to realize is that the jobs I am interviewing for will help either one of my brothers in the future. Sean wants to go into investment banking, and Mike is in his first year of law school. I am just always thinking of my brothers :)

As much as I enjoy interviewing on a daily basis, I am looking forward to finding the right job and starting a routine. Something will come my way soon, and in the mean time I get to explore this incredible city every day. I think tomorrow... I will walk to the Upper West side to buy a packet of gum, just because I can.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Week Down!

I have only been living in New York for a week and I already feel more at home then I ever did in Los Angeles. So far I have successfully taken the Subway three times by myself. I have found my Starbucks and go-to frozen yogurt place and learned the hard way to always carry an umbrella with you.

I usually pack at the last minute when I am traveling. But for this move I had all my suitcases packed three days before I left. Although, 30 minutes before I need to leave for the airport, my mother and I are repacking all of my suitcases on the kitchen floor. I ended up with three suitcases that were all tipping the scale past 50 pounds. Thankfully at the airport the delta employee looked the other way when the scale said the following... Bag One: 51 lbs, Bag Two: 53 lbs and Bag Three: 63 lbs. Did I mention that my apartment does not have an elevator? And that I live on the 4th floor? I should have video taped Ali and I pulling up my bags to our apartment. Side note: I have the best roommate ever. Ali and I met over 4 years ago at The Boston Conservatory. One of the first things I ever posted on her facebook wall was: "I have a feeling we are going to be best friends." Who knew I could see the future?

The first week consisted mostly of me getting settled into my apartment. A DJ lives above us, and I always enjoy a solid salsa/techno mix in the middle of the day. On my fourth day here all of my packages arrived from home. After signing for the packages, I asked the UPS man if he was going to help me carry my 5 packages up to my apartment. He laughed and left. I then proceeded to carry up one package at a time up one set of stairs. Then I stacked them up on the next floor, and repeated. I did get to meet a lot of my new neighbors during this process. They would smile and welcome me to the building and then walk by. Until I met Marcus. He looked like he walked out of a 80's workout video, sweatband and all. I was on my last 2 packages when he offered to carry one for me. I had already sweated through my t-shirt but I appreciated his help. Marcus then told me that he actually lives right above me.... bingo I have met the DJ. Our conversation ended by him giving me his business card. He told me I could text him if the music was too loud, he has yet to respond to one of my requests.

On the sixth day here my bed was scheduled to be delivered. The delivery company told me it would arrive between 9am-1pm. I had planned my day accordingly so I could stay in during the morning and then leave once my bed was delivered. 1:15 rolls around and still no bed... So I decide to call the company to check on my order. Turns out the truck delivering my bed was pulled over for a random inspection but not to worry he would be there between 1:30-2:30. Then 3pm hits and still no bed. I call the company once again. The story is now that the truck delivering my bed broke down. I explain to the woman on the phone that I cannot wait around all day. She tells me that I can go about my day and the driver will call me when he is close so I can be home. Just as I am about to leave my apartment, the driver calls me to tell me he will be there within the hour, it is now 4. It hits 6pm and still no bed... I call the delivery company for now the 3rd time, they assured me the driver is on his way. My bed finally arrived at 7:30pm.

The great thing about New York is that I will never need to buy a gym membership. I live on the 4th floor of my apartment building with no elevator. Also, with my lack of knowledge for the Subway system I choose to walk everywhere. The third day I was here I had walked 6 miles before 2pm.

Also, today is Ali's Birthday! For the past few days I have been trying to think of the perfect gift for her. Since we are not allowed to have a cat... yet, I wanted to get her a different pet. At first I thought a frog, but after some research I realized neither Ali nor I would be willing to feed a frog live crickets. Instead I bought Ali a hermit crab. He has a pumpkin on his shell and his name is "The General." If he is really good we will buy him a girlfriend and name her "The First Lady."


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where Are You?

Most phone calls or text messages I receive nowadays start with: "Where are you?" It makes me laugh at first since I have been what I call a "modern day gypsy" for the past six months. And while I enjoyed the gypsy lifestyle and the perks that came along with it...(Medallion Status for Delta). I look forward to finally calling New York City my home this weekend.

It is crazy to think that just seven months ago I was preparing for a completely different move. This time my suitcases were filled with summer dresses and flip flops. My new car was purchased without a care in the world about snow tires and I was moving for love. At the time I would never admit I was taking such a risk to move for something as unpredictable like love. But now I can chalk it up as a story for the book I write one day, or the inspiration to an album I record.

Since I can remember I always dreamed of living in New York City. So you can imagine the shock on my family and friends' faces when I announced my grand plan of moving to Los Angeles. I used unlimited amounts of excuses to disguise the real reason I was actually moving to Los Angeles like..."I can audition for all sorts of entertainment not just music" and "It will be easier for me to volunteer at a children's hospital in LA then NY." But the real reason was... I was in love.

I could go into the whole story of how my heart was broken but that is not the point of this blog. The point is to share the new life experiences I have gained over the last seven months, and the new adventures that await me in New York City. This time I know exactly what I am moving for and I need no excuse to hide it.

So here is a quick recap of the last seven months of my life:

I traveled to New York, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Canada, Los Angeles, South Bend, Atlanta and St. Kitts.

I spent time with my best friends Ali, Inge, Kaylah and Tara.

I discovered a new found obsession of coffee and frozen yogurt.

I experienced a first kiss in front of the Washington Monument.

I went to my first ever Notre Dame football game against USC.

I became a Timberwolves Fan.

I watched a Lakers game in a private suite.

I experienced the Giants win the Superbowl in New York City.

I played hours on the piano and wrote five full songs.

I went to a Notre Dame football game against Boston College where not only the band "Chicago" played at halftime but also Bon Jovi.

I drove on a LA highway with a mattress strapped to my car.

I reconnected with three of my Miss America sisters: Miss Missouri, Miss Maryland and Miss Nevada.

I experienced my first Craigslist encounter.

I met an Australian and learned international text messages are quite expensive.

I sat next to Lance Bass at a coffee shop.

I double pierced just one ear.

I went zip-lining in the Rain Forest.

I cried.

I laughed.

I had plenty of retail therapy with my mom.

And I spent irreplaceable time with my family.

And now I can see the stars beginning to align. I am moving in with my best friend Ali in a beautiful apartment in East Village. I am going to reconnect with friends from college and high school. I am finally going to learn how to ride the Subway... by myself. And in the words of my mother: "Just promise me you will at least be a dead body on Law and Order while you are in New York." The opportunities for me are endless.

Stay Tuned :)