Monday, May 28, 2012

I Got Mugged in New York City

This blog should be about my exciting first week of work, and while I will share a few tidbits, unfortunately another incident has over shadowed .

This past Saturday at around 7pm, I was walking to meet a friend for dinner.  It was a gorgeous day in New York, so the streets and patios were filled with people.  Before this moment, I had never felt not safe walking in New York City, but it is crazy how that can change in just a moment.

I was on the phone with my mom and just a few blocks away from my apartment when I was mugged.  They came up from behind me and ripped the phone from my ear and took off with my things.  I screamed and turned around to see two men running away, so I started to run after them.  At first the people around me stood there shocked by what actually happened, before three guys ran after the men who had just mugged me.  The chase lasted about four blocks, and while I was about to turn the corner I feared that my things were gone.  I was thinking how I was going to get home, how I was about to stand up my friend for dinner, and what to do next.  When I turned the corner, sobbing, I saw four guys walking towards me in a straight line like The Avengers and they had my things. 

Moments like that make you realize how scary and incredible New York City is.  These three strangers chased two men to help me, another stranger.  And then a door man at a bar saw the chase coming towards him and was able to stop the guys.  All I could do was cry and hug every single one of them.  Until one of them handed me my phone and said you need to talk to your mother.  My poor mother was on the phone during this entire thing.  She heard me scream, the yelling, and I am sure feared the worst.  

I am okay, just spooked.  Thankfully I was not injured and I got all my things back.  I know the chances of those four men reading this blog are slim to none, but I still want them to know how grateful I am.

I think what shocks everyone about this story is that it happened at seven at night, on a popular street, with hundreds of people around.  Why these two men picked me, I do not know. 

As for work: I love my new job.  Although I looked like such a rookie on my first day.  Yup, the night before I started work while watching “Keeping Up with the Karadashians” I made my lunch.  Much to my surprise in the grown up world of work, they give you money for lunch!  Since I didn’t want that money to go to waste on my first day, I debated what I could buy.  For a solid 25 minutes I looked at cupcakes online but decided with hummus, salsa and pita bread for my fridge. 

My grocery bill will be cut in half, actually more then half.  I can eat my breakfast, lunch and snacks at work. Which means all I need to shop for is dinner.  I also can continue a #leanbody plan because there is NOTHING unhealthy at this place.  (Trust me I have checked every single cabinet.)  Plus in my informational packet it specifically says:  Do not order anything unhealthy for the pantry.


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