Monday, June 25, 2012

You Can't Find a Cab in NYC?

Where do I begin?  The last few weeks have kept me busy with running 5k's, installing my Air Conditioner and watching my dear friend win Miss Minnesota.

I mentioned before that my roommate and I are doing a charity walk every month.  In May we took part in the Aids Walk in Central Park, and in June we did the Autism Awareness Walk.  It was at South Street Seaport, which is beautiful!  We are taking suggestions for our July and August walk - send me ideas!

I have my routine down with my new job.  I have become a professional Subway rider in the morning.  I not only know one route to get me to work, but a few back ups just in case a train is running late.  When I first started working here, I was told about a 5k run that was coming up.  It was called the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, and it was only a few weeks away.  At first I did the polite thing and said, "of course I will run" but not making an official commitment.  Fast forward to 2 days before the race, and I am handed a T-Shirt and number....  The truth is I was so happy that I did it.  I was able to finish the entire run, without walking, and it was a great way for me to get to know my other co-workers.  One funny bit from the race:  I didn't eat anything before I ran because I didn't want to get sick.  As soon as I crossed the finish line I was famished!  Thankfully they were handing out banana's, so I grabbed one and started to un-peel when a sweaty arm rubbed right onto my banana.  I was no longer hungry.

I am experiencing my first summer in New York City, and it is hot!  I bought an Air Conditioner online because I thought it would be easier if it was delivered to my apartment.  Well that is the problem with having a full time job... I am never home to receive packages.  Therefore I had to travel to a UPS store miles away from my apartment to pick it up.  The description said 44 lbs which I think I overestimated my strength  because I could barely get the box out the door.  I then tried to hail a cab for the next 20 minutes but not one would stop for me.  Near tears, I called my mom to google a cab company so I could call and request one.  Her respond was what I expected, "You are in New York City... and you want me to call you a cab...?"  After I tried calling for a cab for the next 10 minutes, I just sucked it up and decided to walk to a different corner.  It was ironic that I had to walk past a gym where all these men with muscle shirts were walking past me but none of them thought to offer me a hand.  At my next corner, I was so desperate for a cab that I jumped in the first black town car that offered me a ride.  Halfway through my ride I realized I had no cash on me... and they do not take credit cards.  I was on a roll that day.

I was not about to leave my AC in this car while I ran to the ATM, especially since the driver kept asking me about my AC and telling me what a deal I got for it.  So I had to carry my AC again just to take out $20 for this driver, and then lug it back into the car.  The driver then proceeded to lecture for the rest of the drive home about how I need to trust people more in New York.  (thanks, but no thanks.)

I also went home last weekend for the Miss Minnesota Pageant.  It was so nice to be back in Minnesota and spend time with my close friends and family.  I spent Saturday morning shopping with my mom looking for accessories for my dress for the pageant, when I ran into Miss Minnesota 2008 Angie at DSW!  She joined me with Quinn, Kaylah, and Emily for a our second annual pre-pageant get together.

I want to send out a HUGE congratulations to Siri Freeh our new Miss Minnesota 2012.  I met Siri 2 years ago when she competed the year I was giving up my title.  The following year we ran into one another on campus at the University of Minnesota and then made "coffee catches up" a regular thing.  She has become one of my closest friends and I am so excited for the year ahead of her.  I am already planning my Miss America trip for Vegas!

Other then work I stay busy with working out, and creating new recipes.  I recently watched a documentary that gave me the push to cut out fish from my diet and become a true vegetarian.  A couple other girls at my work are vegetarians so I love getting ideas for new recipes I can try.  I am breaking in slowly because they have realized that if the recipe goes over 4 ingredients... I cannot commit.

I spent this last weekend enjoying the New York weather.  On Saturday I walked around central park with a good friend and then went biking with a co-worker on Sunday.  It is nice to escape the city life once and while.


1 comment:

  1. We have the same situation. By the time I wanted to replace the AC in my living room (for my parents, whenever they visit) I knew I wouldn’t be able to receive the package myself. Luckily, my repair guys agreed to install my new AC for free as long as they remain to be my repair and maintenance guys. =D I trust them. They’ve been fixing my somewhat ‘century’ old AC for a couple of years.

    Lane Fortner
