Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where Are You?

Most phone calls or text messages I receive nowadays start with: "Where are you?" It makes me laugh at first since I have been what I call a "modern day gypsy" for the past six months. And while I enjoyed the gypsy lifestyle and the perks that came along with it...(Medallion Status for Delta). I look forward to finally calling New York City my home this weekend.

It is crazy to think that just seven months ago I was preparing for a completely different move. This time my suitcases were filled with summer dresses and flip flops. My new car was purchased without a care in the world about snow tires and I was moving for love. At the time I would never admit I was taking such a risk to move for something as unpredictable like love. But now I can chalk it up as a story for the book I write one day, or the inspiration to an album I record.

Since I can remember I always dreamed of living in New York City. So you can imagine the shock on my family and friends' faces when I announced my grand plan of moving to Los Angeles. I used unlimited amounts of excuses to disguise the real reason I was actually moving to Los Angeles like..."I can audition for all sorts of entertainment not just music" and "It will be easier for me to volunteer at a children's hospital in LA then NY." But the real reason was... I was in love.

I could go into the whole story of how my heart was broken but that is not the point of this blog. The point is to share the new life experiences I have gained over the last seven months, and the new adventures that await me in New York City. This time I know exactly what I am moving for and I need no excuse to hide it.

So here is a quick recap of the last seven months of my life:

I traveled to New York, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Canada, Los Angeles, South Bend, Atlanta and St. Kitts.

I spent time with my best friends Ali, Inge, Kaylah and Tara.

I discovered a new found obsession of coffee and frozen yogurt.

I experienced a first kiss in front of the Washington Monument.

I went to my first ever Notre Dame football game against USC.

I became a Timberwolves Fan.

I watched a Lakers game in a private suite.

I experienced the Giants win the Superbowl in New York City.

I played hours on the piano and wrote five full songs.

I went to a Notre Dame football game against Boston College where not only the band "Chicago" played at halftime but also Bon Jovi.

I drove on a LA highway with a mattress strapped to my car.

I reconnected with three of my Miss America sisters: Miss Missouri, Miss Maryland and Miss Nevada.

I experienced my first Craigslist encounter.

I met an Australian and learned international text messages are quite expensive.

I sat next to Lance Bass at a coffee shop.

I double pierced just one ear.

I went zip-lining in the Rain Forest.

I cried.

I laughed.

I had plenty of retail therapy with my mom.

And I spent irreplaceable time with my family.

And now I can see the stars beginning to align. I am moving in with my best friend Ali in a beautiful apartment in East Village. I am going to reconnect with friends from college and high school. I am finally going to learn how to ride the Subway... by myself. And in the words of my mother: "Just promise me you will at least be a dead body on Law and Order while you are in New York." The opportunities for me are endless.

Stay Tuned :)

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