Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Week Down!

I have only been living in New York for a week and I already feel more at home then I ever did in Los Angeles. So far I have successfully taken the Subway three times by myself. I have found my Starbucks and go-to frozen yogurt place and learned the hard way to always carry an umbrella with you.

I usually pack at the last minute when I am traveling. But for this move I had all my suitcases packed three days before I left. Although, 30 minutes before I need to leave for the airport, my mother and I are repacking all of my suitcases on the kitchen floor. I ended up with three suitcases that were all tipping the scale past 50 pounds. Thankfully at the airport the delta employee looked the other way when the scale said the following... Bag One: 51 lbs, Bag Two: 53 lbs and Bag Three: 63 lbs. Did I mention that my apartment does not have an elevator? And that I live on the 4th floor? I should have video taped Ali and I pulling up my bags to our apartment. Side note: I have the best roommate ever. Ali and I met over 4 years ago at The Boston Conservatory. One of the first things I ever posted on her facebook wall was: "I have a feeling we are going to be best friends." Who knew I could see the future?

The first week consisted mostly of me getting settled into my apartment. A DJ lives above us, and I always enjoy a solid salsa/techno mix in the middle of the day. On my fourth day here all of my packages arrived from home. After signing for the packages, I asked the UPS man if he was going to help me carry my 5 packages up to my apartment. He laughed and left. I then proceeded to carry up one package at a time up one set of stairs. Then I stacked them up on the next floor, and repeated. I did get to meet a lot of my new neighbors during this process. They would smile and welcome me to the building and then walk by. Until I met Marcus. He looked like he walked out of a 80's workout video, sweatband and all. I was on my last 2 packages when he offered to carry one for me. I had already sweated through my t-shirt but I appreciated his help. Marcus then told me that he actually lives right above me.... bingo I have met the DJ. Our conversation ended by him giving me his business card. He told me I could text him if the music was too loud, he has yet to respond to one of my requests.

On the sixth day here my bed was scheduled to be delivered. The delivery company told me it would arrive between 9am-1pm. I had planned my day accordingly so I could stay in during the morning and then leave once my bed was delivered. 1:15 rolls around and still no bed... So I decide to call the company to check on my order. Turns out the truck delivering my bed was pulled over for a random inspection but not to worry he would be there between 1:30-2:30. Then 3pm hits and still no bed. I call the company once again. The story is now that the truck delivering my bed broke down. I explain to the woman on the phone that I cannot wait around all day. She tells me that I can go about my day and the driver will call me when he is close so I can be home. Just as I am about to leave my apartment, the driver calls me to tell me he will be there within the hour, it is now 4. It hits 6pm and still no bed... I call the delivery company for now the 3rd time, they assured me the driver is on his way. My bed finally arrived at 7:30pm.

The great thing about New York is that I will never need to buy a gym membership. I live on the 4th floor of my apartment building with no elevator. Also, with my lack of knowledge for the Subway system I choose to walk everywhere. The third day I was here I had walked 6 miles before 2pm.

Also, today is Ali's Birthday! For the past few days I have been trying to think of the perfect gift for her. Since we are not allowed to have a cat... yet, I wanted to get her a different pet. At first I thought a frog, but after some research I realized neither Ali nor I would be willing to feed a frog live crickets. Instead I bought Ali a hermit crab. He has a pumpkin on his shell and his name is "The General." If he is really good we will buy him a girlfriend and name her "The First Lady."


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