Monday, May 28, 2012

I Got Mugged in New York City

This blog should be about my exciting first week of work, and while I will share a few tidbits, unfortunately another incident has over shadowed .

This past Saturday at around 7pm, I was walking to meet a friend for dinner.  It was a gorgeous day in New York, so the streets and patios were filled with people.  Before this moment, I had never felt not safe walking in New York City, but it is crazy how that can change in just a moment.

I was on the phone with my mom and just a few blocks away from my apartment when I was mugged.  They came up from behind me and ripped the phone from my ear and took off with my things.  I screamed and turned around to see two men running away, so I started to run after them.  At first the people around me stood there shocked by what actually happened, before three guys ran after the men who had just mugged me.  The chase lasted about four blocks, and while I was about to turn the corner I feared that my things were gone.  I was thinking how I was going to get home, how I was about to stand up my friend for dinner, and what to do next.  When I turned the corner, sobbing, I saw four guys walking towards me in a straight line like The Avengers and they had my things. 

Moments like that make you realize how scary and incredible New York City is.  These three strangers chased two men to help me, another stranger.  And then a door man at a bar saw the chase coming towards him and was able to stop the guys.  All I could do was cry and hug every single one of them.  Until one of them handed me my phone and said you need to talk to your mother.  My poor mother was on the phone during this entire thing.  She heard me scream, the yelling, and I am sure feared the worst.  

I am okay, just spooked.  Thankfully I was not injured and I got all my things back.  I know the chances of those four men reading this blog are slim to none, but I still want them to know how grateful I am.

I think what shocks everyone about this story is that it happened at seven at night, on a popular street, with hundreds of people around.  Why these two men picked me, I do not know. 

As for work: I love my new job.  Although I looked like such a rookie on my first day.  Yup, the night before I started work while watching “Keeping Up with the Karadashians” I made my lunch.  Much to my surprise in the grown up world of work, they give you money for lunch!  Since I didn’t want that money to go to waste on my first day, I debated what I could buy.  For a solid 25 minutes I looked at cupcakes online but decided with hummus, salsa and pita bread for my fridge. 

My grocery bill will be cut in half, actually more then half.  I can eat my breakfast, lunch and snacks at work. Which means all I need to shop for is dinner.  I also can continue a #leanbody plan because there is NOTHING unhealthy at this place.  (Trust me I have checked every single cabinet.)  Plus in my informational packet it specifically says:  Do not order anything unhealthy for the pantry.


Friday, May 18, 2012

My Reset Ring

I am only a few days out until I start my new job.  I am full of mixed emotions: excited, anxious, nervous, relieved, stressed... the list goes on.  But I have enjoyed the last two weeks of freedom before I become a workaholic.  I spent a weekend in Boston with my best friend Inge where I ended up at an Obama Re-election party.  I was that kid who had a kick-me sign on the back of their jacket.... except replace the kick-me with Obama stickers.  I spent a night in Columbus Circle overlooking the view of New York City and watching the Rangers score in the last 6 seconds of the game.  And lastly I spent over a week in Minnesota. 

Even though I had only been away for a month and it was a huge relief being back in my home with my family, cat, dog and own bed.  I spent most of my time home at the Mall of America purchasing a new work wardrobe.  I am looking forward to giving my room mate a fashion show, and she will be pleased with my updated clothing.  I was also happy to be home for Mothers Day.  I wanted to get my mom something really special this year because she has been super mom while I have lived the gypsy lifestyle the last 8 months.  This past Christmas my mom bought me a bracelet from Same Sky.  Same Sky is a company that employs HIV-positive women in Rwanda, and 100% goes back into the company to support these women.  It is my favorite bracelet and now my mom has one too! 

I did something that will probably make most people laugh or roll their eyes.  But it is exactly what I needed to do.  While shopping I wanted to buy a new ring for work.  I tried on over 20 different rings, and even got one stuck on my finger.  Which led to me having a panic attack in the store and the sales woman calming me down and then ripping the ring off my finger.  Needless to say that ring was not the one.  I almost gave up on my new ring when I saw the perfect one.  It was simple, gold, and perfect.  So I purchased it and asked if the saleswomen would wrap it for me.  She gave me a look because she had just spent the last 20 minutes helping me finding a ring for myself and now I was giving it as a gift.  And I was... I gift to myself.  The last 8 months of my life have had no structure and even though I had amazing adventures - I was also coping.  This Monday when I start my new job, I am hitting the reset button.  I finally have the opportunity to start a new path, a new journey and a new life.  I get to choose what I want to remember and what will happen in the future.  So Monday morning after I am all ready to go to work, I will open my gift, put on my new ring and reset. 

I am about to get personal, because that's what blogs are for right?  When my 5-year long relationship ended in September I was terrified I would never find someone again.  The thought of dating was so unappealing to me, and the last time I flirted I was 17 years old.  Times had definitely changed.  But then I met someone and I allowed myself to open again.  I was reminded how much fun it is to get to know someone.  Even though our relationship did not work out, I would not have changed a thing.  Because he allowed me to realize that I will date again, and I will fall in love again.  But there is no need to rush this process.  I am in a brand new city, about to start a brand new job, and I am just going to relish in this moment. 

Although I will still continue to live my life as a hopeless romantic.  I cannot change the fact that I hope one day when I step off the curb too soon... a guy saves me from a speeding cab, then we go for coffee.  Or I drop my sunglasses on the subway and a guy runs after me, then we go for coffee.  Or I get into a cab at the same time as a guy, and then we go for coffee.  Everything is always better with coffee.

Now that I have a job I can finally buy furniture for my room... it definitely needs it.  I also want to say how proud I am of my younger brother Sean for being announced as top 14 at St. Thomas Academy.  Fingers crossed he will also be top 5 (sounds like a pageant, doesn't it?) 


Friday, May 4, 2012

I have a British Recruiter

Only two weeks left of being a domestic housewife in New York City.  My mother would be so proud to know that I can change my own light bulb and that I am the bug killer of the apartment.  This should come as a shock to most people because my usual reaction when I see a spider is to scream and run.  Well my best friend and room mate Ali reacts the exact same way I do.... I had to man up.

I have also learned some more New York lessons.  I am the type of person who smiles at you if I make eye contact with you... well turns out that freaks people out on the street.  So if I want to look like a tourist or a crazy person, then smiling at strangers is the best way to do it in New York.  Also, there are pigeons everywhere in the city.  I am still that person who timidly walks toward a flock of pigeons that are in my way on the sidewalk.  Then I jump, scream, or make a face when they come flying right at me.  After observing New Yorkers for a few weeks, I have learned the best thing to do is just walk right through them and they will move.  Also, when it rains in New York the sidewalks are like bumper cars.  Everyone is walking with an oversize umbrella and looking down, this means multiple collisions.

The most exciting thing that has happened recently is my new job!  Since moving here I have been on a couple interviews.  I was not looking for anything in particular but I knew what kind of environment I wanted to work in.  Before the weekend, I received my first job offer at a Legal Recruiting firm.  I still had a couple interviews the following week so thankfully they gave me the weekend to think it over.  Monday morning I went to my dream interview.  As soon as I walked into the office, I knew I wanted to work there.  Every person I interviewed with was someone I knew I would get a long with, and would enjoy working for.  I was there for over 2 hours, and the only moment I thought I lost the job was when the guy interviewing me found out I was a Yankees fan.  Thank goodness I was able to redeem myself by being a Giants and Notre Dame football fan.

As soon as my interview was over I called my British Recruiter.  Most companies in New York have you go through a recruiter first before you interview with the company.  What should have been a 30 minutes meeting turned into a 2 hour session with my British recruiter.  When he picked up the phone after my interview the first thing he said was "I thought they had kidnapped you!"  Believe me that sounds so excellent in an accent.  Within the hour I was offered the job as long as I was willing to wait to start until July.  That was not the ideal situation but this job was definitely worth the wait.  Once again, I was given some time to think about it.

The next 24 hours were pretty hectic.  As I was debating between the two job offers I was given, I received two more offers.  One was very appealing because it was at a consulting firm for non-profits, and I would start in 2 days.  So while I am calling my mother every 30 minutes to discuss my options, I am told I have one hour to decide on the consulting firm.  With 20 minutes to spare... my British Recruiter calls me to save the day.  My dream job that needed me to start in July... now wants me to start on May 21st.  Decision made.

I am excited to announce that I will be working for a hedge fund in midtown (if you do not know what a hedge fund is, don't worry I didn't either - go ahead and google it).  The office is beautiful and right on Park Avenue.  Plus it is a grown up job with a salary, benefits and a free gym membership.  I didn't realize how expensive gyms are here so I choose to walk everywhere so that is my form of exercise.  It will be nice to get back on an elliptical.

Since I do not start work until May 21st, I have some time to kill.  This weekend I will be heading to Boston to see one of my best friends.  Then next week I am going to take a trip back to Minnesota to see my family.  Plus I need to stock up on some work clothes and the tax on clothes in New York is much worse then Minnesota.

I am not sure where to go now that Bloomingdales is closed.... time to find a new go-to store!  Also, time to spoil my hermit crab a bit.  I am thinking a NY Giants shell, and maybe even a shell with some bling... he deserves it. 
