Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Roach the Size of an Iphone

I am trying to become quite adventurous during my weekends here in New York.  Usually after a full week of work I just want to sleep, read and sit in front of my AC but I am forcing myself to get out.  There is so much to do in this city and slowly but surely I am discovering new things. 

I finally visited a stable in New York City – Magnolia Bakery.  During shopping and brunch with my friend Katherine, she discovered that I have never had a Magnolia cupcake.  She took it upon herself to make sure I would cross this one off my list.  Everyone knows that I have a major sweet tooth so it is a good thing I do not have one of these bakeries by my apartment…. It would be nothing but trouble. 

After showering three times (New York summers are ridiculous) I ventured to a new part of town.  Since moving here I have reconnected with Miss Nevada 2009, Christina.  We have caught up over drinks and dinner dates in midtown after work a few times, but this time I wanted to see where she lived.  But of course what should have been a simple train ride turned into a disaster. 

Christina gave me step by step details on how to get to Woodlawn.  Go to Grand Central – Buy a ticket for Metro North – Get off at the Woodlawn stop - She would meet me there.  Sounds easy, right?  I successfully get on the right train, start reading my Monica Lewinsky book (no judgment) and I am feeling good.  As the train starts to move the conductor takes my ticket as some inaudible announcements are made.  I pay attention at each stop until Woodlawn is up next.  I close my book and prepare to get off the train.  As the train comes to stop I walk up to the door and it doesn’t open.  I start looking around and all of a sudden the train starts moving again, and I look out the window only to see my friend Christina looking around on the platform for me.  I panic.  I call her and she says: “Didn’t the conductor tell you, you had to be in the first 4 cars for that stop?!”  Negative. 
At this point I start walking through the car and get to the door that connects to go into the next car.  It won’t open.  I look at a guy standing by a door and say “Can I get out on the next stop off this train?”  He says yes.  Well that man lied, because once again at the next stop the doors do not open.  Now I am getting farther and farther away from where my friend lives.  I try opening the door to the next car again and finally some woman helps me.  I run to the next train, still on the phone with my friend, and find a group of girls about my age.  I yell, “HOW DO I GET OFF THIS TRAIN?!”  I know they were holding back their laughter because one girl rudely answered with, “by walking out the door…”  Thanks genius.  Christina at this point is just telling me to get off at any stop and we can figure it out.  Finally I get to a stop where the doors open, and tell Christina that I am at the Mount Vernon stop.  She responds: “Oh God, I will be right there…. I don’t want to freak you out but that is not that great of a neighborhood.”  Thank goodness she had a car.  So while I wait for her, I stand on the platform in heels and a dress with my keys in-between my knuckles, ready to fight.  As soon as she pulls up I do a superhero dive into her car and we drive off. 

This train experience prepared me for my 4th of July adventure.  My family and I have a tradition every year with the same two families on this holiday.  We pack our cars up and have snacks, chocolate fondue, play cards, throw the football and watch the fireworks.  I was really sad that I was not able to attend this year.  So I reached out to my relatives who live in Long Island to see if I could join them for the day.  It was only an hour and 20 minute train ride and I was greeted with a welcoming committee of my Aunt, Uncle, Cousins and her two daughters.  I have not seen my cousin for 11 years, and my Aunt and Uncle for almost 7 years.  I had so much fun catching up with them!  My mother had called my Aunt before I came and told her that I had a very strange diet…. Aka I am a vegetarian.  My sweet Aunt and Uncle went to whole foods and searched for a vegetarian in the store to help them shop for me.   I was so grateful for them to go out of their way. 

Since it had been 11 years since I had seen my cousin, Nicole it was the first time meeting her adorable children.  I had so much fun playing with them all day.  Who knew that doing handstands in the pool for 2 hours could be so entertaining?  I was like a rock star when I held my handstand for 47 seconds… it was pretty impressive in their eyes.  When it was dinner time the kids were fascinated by what “tofu” was.  They even had the courage to try it!  While we were in the car driving back to the train station, Anna told her mom that for dinner tomorrow she wanted to have tofu, and a salad (the exact meal I had), I loved it.  Now that I know how easy it is to get to Long Island, I cannot wait to visit again.  I promised the kids I would come back, build a fort and have a sleepover. 
This past weekend I went to my first Broadway show since moving to New York.  I was spoiled because our seats were in the 4th row for the show, “Nice Work If You Can Get It” staring Matthew Broderick, yup Inspector Gadget.  I will say that I had a moment of inspiration while Kelli O’Hara sang “Someone to Watch Over Me” that brought me to near tears.  Then of course after the show we got to go backstage.  Where I stood on my very first Broadway stage, and was just inches away from Mr. Broderick.  I could not stop humming the Inspector Gadget theme song. 

The weekend started on such a high but then took a turn for the worst.  While I was cooking dinner this past Saturday, I saw something move on the floor out of the corner of my eye.  It was the largest cock roach I have ever seen in my life.  I swear to you it was the size of an iphone.  My first reaction was to scream bloody murder, and that scared it to run under the fridge.  I ran to the living room and texted my roommate, while I continued to scream.  I had no choice but to fight this battle on my own.  I looked around our apartment to find the best weapon.  I debated on using the plastic golf clubs but decided on the broom.  Of course my first cock roach is a ninja roach because it was hiding behind our garbage until it started to climb the wall.  While screaming the entire time the roach escaped to our living room – it was heading to my roommates room.  I knew I could not let it enter her room because then I would never find it.  So while I kept screaming I finally killed it after hitting it… 20+ times.  Did I mention that I was standing on a chair during this entire thing?  After the roach went down, my roommate called and I could barely breathe.  I was near tears and traumatized.  She then walked me through the cleaning process, and we decided to throw away the broom as well.  Call me over dramatic but I stayed at our friends place in Brooklyn because I couldn’t sleep in the roach apartment. 
I bought a new broom and I am now walking around our apartment as if the floor is hot lava.  I never want to see a roach ever again. 

I ended the weekend by catching up with a good friend from college, Tess.  It was the perfect Sunday:  brunch, and walking around by the water.  Brooklyn really is beautiful. 

I also have to share a movie moment I had on the Subway.  As I have mentioned before, Disney has ruined me and I am a hopeless romantic.  While commuting to work one day, my train was held momentarily at Grand Central.  As I looked across the platform at the 4-train, I made eye contact with an attractive male.  Knowing the eye contact game quite well, I looked away for a moment and looked up again to find him still looking in my direction.  Just to assure that I was not going crazy I looked at the two people on either side of me…. old men.  I looked back and smiled before the doors closed and our trains started to move.  I kid you not, this attractive male started to move throughout his train so he could keep eye contact with me, like a scene from out of the movies.  The topic of conversation at work that day:  Should Brooke post a missed connection online about this encounter?  Never did… but who knows maybe Subway guy and I will meet again.  Disney taught me that we will. 
